June 3, 2006

June 3, 2006

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Blog Posting!

Another day of God's grace and blessings. The students and I spent a rainy day (the book fair was set up in our gym) outside on the playground running laps, swinging, climbing the monkey bars, and playing tag. Afterwards I went to the gym and then home for a shower.....but the new plumbing had a mind of its own and decided to shut off our hot water....bummer. But, Marc came home and came to the rescue and now it's fixed! Guess that means I should probably stop blogging and go shower :) PS - Little Buddy says "Hi".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great job with the blog, sis! I love the background you chose and the pictures are great! I think you might have outdone me on this one. I'll show mom and dad tonight!

  3. Alicia, Dad and I are visiting Charissa tonight. Love what you have done with the blog. Wow! I really like the first pic. The other pics look really good too!


  4. Love your blog, but where is my picture, you know, like dancing and stuff. We could have a picture of me and little Buddy. Or maybe a picture of me and Marc and Ben shooting up the place at South Garland's shooting range. Lot's of options here I guess.

    Love You

  5. Hay Coach!
    Nice blog, very interesting pictures and background, but the love/romantic music is a little eehh. The next picture on it is me and Lauren and you and Marc's t-shirt. Remember, the one at the race? The picture of you and Marc at the Cooper Christmas Party makes you look older than you are, way different than you look at school. But I like the picture of you and Marc on new Years Eve, you look like yourself, your hair pulled back, that big white grin we love. Gotta Go, but see ya Friday!
    Love Orly
    (your awesomest student EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
